March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month
Along with PGAM, the following days are recognized for their national days
March 1 – Self Injury Awareness Day
First day of March is a good day to start of being aware. Be aware of yourself and others. Together, we can make this work.
March 2 – World Teen Mental Wellness Day
This is a good day for Teens to stand up and promote Mental Wellness.
March 4 – National Day of Unplugging
Take this day to unplug video poker and online gaming. Take a day, take a break.
March 7 – National Be Heard day
We figure this is a good day to be heard, to promote mental health, and to hear about Problem Gambling Awareness
March 9 – National Get Over it Day
This sounds like a good day to get over problem gambling or addiction.
March 13 – National Good Samaritan Day
Be a good Samaritan, check on your family, friends, neighbors.
March 14 – National Write Down Your Story Day
Write down your story of overcoming problem gambling.
March 19 – National Let’s Laugh Day
Work on mental health, overcome obstacles. Have a good laugh – think of something so funny that you’ll laugh out loud.
March 30 – National I am in Control Day
Take charge today, put things into your control.